Caregiver Support



Looking for Caregiver Training & Support?


The Dementia Caregiver Support group is led by Philip Solomon, a licensed mental health counselor, retired pharmacist and past Board Member of the Broward County Alzheimer's Association. Mr. Solomon has been a practicing psychotherapist in South Florida for 32 years and brings over 20 years experience facilitating support groups.

Join our online Dementia Caregiver Support Group:

Click HERE to register for the morning support group.

Click HERE to register for the afternoon support group.


Are you a family member, friend, or neighbor that helps someone with things like bathing, dressing, errands, taking medication, or getting to appointments? If you help at all, you are a caregiver! Our TCARE (Tailored Caregiver Assessment and Referral) program may help you.



Our Grandparent Support program is open to grandparents and relatives age 55 or older who serve as caregivers for children 18 and younger, or for children of any age who have disabilities. Grandparents are assisted with caregiver training and child daycare, counseling, legal assistance, respite care, transportation, and supplemental services such as housing improvement and provision of medical supplies and services.

Preference is given to older persons with the greatest economic or social needs. Particular attention is given to low-income older individuals, low-income minority elders, individuals with limited English proficiency, and individuals residing in rural areas.
To find out more about this service or to apply for services, call the ADRC Helpline at 954-745-9779.


Now more than ever, keeping older adults connected to the people and experiences that matter to them is critical. Put the power of connection into their hands with the senior-friendly iN2L tablet. Telehealth capabilities during COVID-19 make it easy to keep scheduled healthcare appointments. Simple video chat, easy photo/video sharing, messaging, and engaging content applications help combat the effects of social isolation.




Uniper is available as a TV set that includes an easy-to-use remote control with an embedded microphone a small box and a camera the service is also available via any network device including desktop smartphones or tablets.



The Alzheimer's Disease Initiative (ADI) program provides services to meet individuals' changing needs and families living with Alzheimer's disease and similar memory disorders.



Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a program that contains six two and a half hour sessions that will teach caregivers the tools to self-manage the challenges of being a caregiver to a loved one.


Savvy Caregiver Program

Savvy is a training program designed to assist dementia family caregivers. The program's educational objective is to develop caregiving mastery by providing caregivers with the skills, knowledge, and outlook (including confidence) they need to be effective in their newly acquired role. The program aims to help caregivers understand how dementia progressively affects the cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and performance-based capacities of those whom it afflicts. All workshops are provided free and virtually.

For more information please call:

Area Agency on Aging of Broward County Administrative Office


In-home services may include assistance with personal care, homemaking, respite care, personal emergency response units, case management, caregiver training, and support, as well as specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies.

For more information please call:




The DCCI Task Force is charged with developing dementia caring communities in Broward County.

Educational Videos Coming Soon



Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP)

EHEAP is a program that assists with home-energy emergencies to qualified, low-income households with at least one person 60 years of age or older.



Home Care for the Elderly (HCE)

The Home Care for the Elderly (HCE) program supports care for Floridians age 60 and older in family-type living arrangements within private homes as an alternative to institutional or nursing home care. 



Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

The ACCESS Florida Program is responsible for Florida's Food Assistance (Food Stamps) Program. The Food Assistance Program helps people with low-income buy healthy food.

A food assistance household is normally a group of people who live together and buy food and cook meals together. If your household passes the Food Assistance Program's eligibility rules, the amount of food assistance benefits you get depends on the number of people in your household and how much money is left after certain expenses are subtracted.

Detailed information about the Food Assistance Program is available in the Food Assistance Program Fact Sheet.



Our caregiver assistance program allows us to assist primary caregivers for a senior (60 or older) who meets the frailty requirement under DOEA guidelines. While there are no specific financial eligibility requirements, the Project targets its services to those with the greatest economic and social need. Areas of assistance include housing, health, and public benefits.



The Home Repair program for caregivers of clients 60 or older in owner-occupied homes. Provides carpentry, plumbing, electrical, and other minor repairs necessary to assist caregivers in their duties and preserve health and safety. Priority is given to the low-income elderly.



Adult Day Care

Adult daycare is a program of therapeutic social and health activities and services provided to elders who have functional impairments. Services are provided in a protective, community-based environment.


In-Facility Respite

Facility-based respite care provides relief or rest for a primary caregiver from the constant, continued supervision and care of a functionally-impaired older person by providing care for the older person in an approved facility-based environment for a specified period of time.


In-Home Respite

In-home respite care is providing relief or rest for a primary caregiver from the constant, continued supervision and care of a functionally impaired older person by providing care for the person in the home for a specified period.


Hands-off Respite 

In-home "hands-off" respite services are provided through a multi-generational corps of background screened and trained volunteers.



SHINE is an award-winning, statewide volunteer-based program offered by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and your local Area Agency on Aging. Specially trained volunteers can assist you with your Medicare, Medicaid, and health insurance questions by providing one-on-one counseling and information. SHINE services are free, unbiased, and confidential. 


The Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long Term Care (SMMC LTC) is designed to provide home and community-based services to Medicaid recipients who are 65 years of age or older, or age 18 or older and eligible for Medicaid because of a disability; and determined to require nursing facility level of care. Created by Florida Legislature in 2011, SMMC LTC is a way to receive long-term care services, including assisted living, nursing home, and in-home care services, in a managed care setting. Managed care is a term for the process of how health care organizations manage the way their enrollees receive health care services. Managed care organizations work with different health care providers to offer quality health care services to ensure enrollees have access to the health care providers they need. For more information regarding this program call the Helpline at 954-745-9779.



ConnectingWithU is a free telephone reassurance service that provides emotional support for Seniors in Broward County. ConnectingWithU offers an individualized, emotionally safe space for Seniors to express their feelings and concerns while staying interconnected to others from the comfort of their own home.

ConnectingWithU calls can prevent Seniors from feeling isolated, becoming depressed, requiring medical services, or potentially institutional placement due to being disconnected from human interaction and emotional instability.


Technology Programs


Now more than ever, keeping older adults connected to the people and experiences that matter to them is critical. Put the power of connection into their hands with the senior-friendly iN2L tablet. Telehealth capabilities during COVID-19 make it easy to keep scheduled healthcare appointments. Simple video chat, easy photo/video sharing, messaging, and engaging content applications help combat the effects of social isolation.




Uniper is available as a TV set that includes an easy-to-use remote control with an embedded microphone a small box and a camera the service is also available via any network device including desktop smartphones or tablets.


Alzheimer's Disease Initiative Program

The Alzheimer's Disease Initiative (ADI) program provides services to meet individuals' changing needs and families living with Alzheimer's disease and similar memory disorders.


Caregiver Training & Support Services

Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a program that contains six two and a half hour sessions that will teach caregivers the tools to self-manage the challenges of being a caregiver to a loved one.


Savvy Caregiver Program

Savvy is a training program designed to assist dementia family caregivers. The program's educational objective is to develop caregiving mastery by providing caregivers with the skills, knowledge, and outlook (including confidence) they need to be effective in their newly acquired role. The program aims to help caregivers understand how dementia progressively affects the cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and performance-based capacities of those whom it afflicts. All workshops are provided free and virtually.

For more information please call:

Area Agency on Aging of Broward County Administrative Office

Community Care for the Elderly

In-home services may include assistance with personal care, homemaking, respite care, personal emergency response units, case management, caregiver training, and support, as well as specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies.

For more information please call:




Dementia Care and Cure Initiative

The DCCI Task Force is charged with developing dementia caring communities in Broward County.

Educational Videos Coming Soon


Financial Assistance

Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP)

EHEAP is a program that assists with home-energy emergencies to qualified, low-income households with at least one person 60 years of age or older.



Home Care for the Elderly (HCE)

The Home Care for the Elderly (HCE) program supports care for Floridians age 60 and older in family-type living arrangements within private homes as an alternative to institutional or nursing home care. 



Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

The ACCESS Florida Program is responsible for Florida's Food Assistance (Food Stamps) Program. The Food Assistance Program helps people with low-income buy healthy food.

A food assistance household is normally a group of people who live together and buy food and cook meals together. If your household passes the Food Assistance Program's eligibility rules, the amount of food assistance benefits you get depends on the number of people in your household and how much money is left after certain expenses are subtracted.

Detailed information about the Food Assistance Program is available in the Food Assistance Program Fact Sheet.


Grandparent Support Program

Our Grandparent Support program is open to grandparents and relatives age 55 or older who serve as caregivers for children 18 and younger or for children of any age who have disabilities. Grandparents are assisted with caregiver training and child daycare, counseling, legal assistance, respite care, transportation, and supplemental services such as housing improvement and provision of medical supplies and services.


Legal Assistance

Our caregiver assistance program allows us to assist primary caregivers for a senior (60 or older) who meets the frailty requirement under DOEA guidelines. While there are no specific financial eligibility requirements, the Project targets its services to those with the greatest economic and social need. Areas of assistance include housing, health, and public benefits.


Minor Home Repairs

The Home Repair program for caregivers of clients 60 or older in owner-occupied homes. Provides carpentry, plumbing, electrical, and other minor repairs necessary to assist caregivers in their duties and preserve health and safety. Priority is given to the low-income elderly.


Respite Services

Adult Day Care

Adult daycare is a program of therapeutic social and health activities and services provided to elders who have functional impairments. Services are provided in a protective, community-based environment.


In-Facility Respite

Facility-based respite care provides relief or rest for a primary caregiver from the constant, continued supervision and care of a functionally-impaired older person by providing care for the older person in an approved facility-based environment for a specified period of time.


In-Home Respite

In-home respite care is providing relief or rest for a primary caregiver from the constant, continued supervision and care of a functionally impaired older person by providing care for the person in the home for a specified period.


Hands-off Respite 

In-home "hands-off" respite services are provided through a multi-generational corps of background screened and trained volunteers.


Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders (SHINE)

SHINE is an award-winning, statewide volunteer-based program offered by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and your local Area Agency on Aging. Specially trained volunteers can assist you with your Medicare, Medicaid, and health insurance questions by providing one-on-one counseling and information. SHINE services are free, unbiased, and confidential. Statewide Medicaid Managed Long Term Care The Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long Term Care (SMMC LTC) is designed to provide home and community-based services to Medicaid recipients who are 65 years of age or older, or age 18 or older and eligible for Medicaid because of a disability; and determined to require nursing facility level of care. Created by Florida Legislature in 2011, SMMC LTC is a way to receive long-term care services, including assisted living, nursing home, and in-home care services, in a managed care setting. Managed care is a term for the process of how health care organizations manage the way their enrollees receive health care services. Managed care organizations work with different health care providers to offer quality health care services to ensure enrollees have access to the health care providers they need.


Support Groups

A helpful listing of Caregiver Training and Support Groups available in Broward County, Florida.